We at the school council are an elected body who represent the interests of the children within the school. Amongst our responsibilities are such diverse elements as:

  • Fundraising (we decide which charities and events to follow as well as what to do and how much to contribute).
  • Provide ideas and equipment so that the life of the pupils at SHCPS is improved (canvasing the pupils as to their ideas, needs and wants, such as playtime equipment).
  • Hold regular meetings with a chairperson and vice chair to coordinate them (the council is made up of elected children from Yrs 3-6 as well as a selection of representatives from Yr2).
  • Create action plans in our meetings to facilitate the completion of the decisions made (what, who, where, when and why).
  • Are an integral part of the recruitment process within the school, interviewing prospective candidates, such as teachers, head teachers, office staff, teaching assistants and deputy head teachers (with questions like; If you were an animal, which animal would you be and why?)

We are pleased to be your school council and we will always have the children’s best interest at the heart of all we do.